Even without an external electricity source, the Amethyst pads and mats naturally release negative ions and gentle far-infrared heat using your warmth and energy.
No contraindications exist for using Ereada® FIR Amethyst Mats while not connected to electricity.
Using your electric Amethyst Mat to generate negative ions at low temperatures is generally safe.
However, it is strictly recommended to study all information about precautions and contraindications and consult your doctor before using them.
We have accumulated a lot of valuable tips on this page referring to electric-powered Ereada® Mat sessions.
Please read it thoroughly before using your Ereada mat for maximum benefits.
How to start using and take maintenance of your Ereada® Amethyst or Gemstone Mat:
- Arrange your ambiance. Prepare your Ereada® Amethyst Mat space to promote tranquility.
- You can cover your mat with a cotton sheet or towel or cushion it with a special waterproof protector.
- You can cover yourself with a blanket during the session. Some even use Ereada® Amethyst Mat MINI for more intensive heating on both sides.
- Do not wear synthetic clothing while using your mat. Use only cotton or natural fiber clothes during the session.
- Your session should be calm and free of any disturbance. Turn off the phone signals, use the “Do Not Disturb” sign, put on an eye pillow or light protection band and your headphones, and relax.
- Put the mat on the floor or the bed. The mat has heat reflection layers that direct heat upwards, but the bottom of the mat can still heat up, so it's better to put a towel under it.
- To preheat, cover the mat entirely with a thick blanket and let it heat up for 30-60 minutes, depending on the heat level chosen. The heat sensors could be damaged if the mat's stone surface is not covered entirely.
- If you need to reach the maximum temperature of 158°F (displayed as level 7 on the large mat controllers or 70°C on the mini mat controller), lie on the mat and press the stones against the heating layer.
- Increase session intensity slowly and continuously. A natural adjustment period is necessary. Begin with low temperatures and short sessions of half an hour or less. Increase one heat level setting at a time until you find the best one. Sessions once or twice a week would be a reasonable way to start.
- The main rule is to use the lowest temperature (level 1 or 2) settings to create a relaxing environment for sleeping or longer sessions. Medium temperature settings (3, 4, or 5 levels) are the best for physicality and to encourage activity. Some customers use them for extended periods of 30 minutes to several hours. The highest temperature (levels 6-7) is for short sessions, less than 30-60 minutes deep heat, and should not be used for prolonged periods.
- Try to get the cumulative effect. All humans are unique. Some people do fine with the lower settings and get the same benefits over the long term as those who use the higher temperature settings. Ereada® Amethyst Mat provides cumulative benefits to mind and spirit in every setting. No need to hurry.*
- Far-infrared heat deeply warms you. However, it is not felt by our body in the same manner as direct heat. Only when the controller is at high heat levels does the mat become hot to touch, but it is usually felt as warm. That is why the energy is used more efficiently than in conventional heating pads, warming mainly the surface layer and the ambient air. However, extra care should be taken during the learning curve to avoid overheating and unpleasant experiences such as dry mouth, buzzing, or dehydration.
- You can gradually use more powerful sessions when your adaptation to the lower temperature settings is built up. Excellent results are reported from incorporating ½-hour Ereada® Amethyst Mat high-level sessions several times weekly. For better sweating, it may be beneficial to cover it with several heavy natural fabric towels or blankets or use the Ereada® Amethyst Mat Mini as a cover. You may not sweat during the first high-level sessions as you have not yet adapted. After several procedures, healthy sweating will start.
- For high-temperature sessions with levels 6-7 after being heated, tissues develop heat resistance, which persists for about three days and may reduce the effects of repeated heat sessions in this period. Russian and Japanese researchers suggest «cycles» up to four times a week apart.
- After every use of the Ereada® Far Infrared Amethyst Mat, shower with a body scrub to remove sweat and toxins. To close the pores, you can finish with a slightly warm or cold shower.
- Drink a lot of pure or mineral water during, before and after sessions. Proper rehydration is essential to get the Ereada® Amethyst Mat benefits and to avoid unpleasant experiences such as dry mouth or buzzing feeling.*
- Do your best to arrange regularity and consistency in your sessions. Schedule the use of the Ereada® Mat into your daily routine. It is key to accumulating effects.*
- The best time to use the Amethyst FIR Heating Pad or Mat for relaxation is ½-hour before bed. It will prepare your body for the deepest, regenerative sleep. You can also sleep all night on the mat at the first or second temperature level or with the heating function off. The natural far infrared rays from Amethyst crystals will produce benefits even if the Ereada® Mat is off power. Do not use the mat at high heat during bedtime, and consider using an extra plug-into socket timer set for an hour to double protect yourself in case you fall asleep.*
- You can also use the Ereada® Mat when working, relaxing, or sleeping. Regular sleeping on the mat has a cumulative effect and may be extremely beneficial in promoting well-being.*
- In the negative ions-only mode, the Mats may protect you from the harmful positive ionization by electronic devices in your office.*