Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are present everywhere in nature. Light is its most familiar form, though most EMFs are invisible to the human eye. The spectrum of electric and magnetic fields extends from static electric and magnetic fields through radio frequency and InfraRed radiation to X-rays. EMFs include Sunlight, electricity in different forms, Earth magnetism, and many micro energy sources, including our bodies, organs, and cells.
It is important to understand the difference between helpful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) used for beneficial purposes and harmful EMFs, which can damage human bodies.
There are many naturally harmful EMFs, such as UV light in high doses and gamma or X-ray radiation. Hazardous manmade electromagnetic fields also surround us. These fields are generated by electrical wiring in our buildings, electric tools, kitchen appliances, cell phones, computers, telecommunications, and other devices. High Frequencies and High Intensity can distinguish them. Some studies have shown a link between cumulative EMF exposures and suboptimal health. Our mats are very safe from harmful and unwanted EMFs.

The complete protection of the users of our products from harmful EMF is provided by both passive and active EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interception) technologies integrated into our Amethyst mats.
1. The passive system consists of the double silicon and Teflon insulation and shielding of low-emission titanium heating elements and the EMI layers of the mats with copper fiber, carbon fiber, silver fiber, or aluminum foil to control the remaining EMFs on almost zero level. It is very efficient against the magnetic part of EMFs
2. The active system includes special wires and a carbon layer that catch the peak electric and magnetic waves. It works with the Controller's AUTO EMI function, automatically detecting and transferring EMF spikes absorbed by this system into the wall socket's “ground pin” for earthing. This system works great to eliminate electric waves or e-waves.
Active EMI is like a lighting rod safely conducting the EMFs into the ground. It is available on all Ereada® mats. The similar system is used on Richway biomats. Other mats in the market are not grounded. If you open the plug of the controller you may see that the wire is cut on all the mats of China origin. That is why Ereada® mats generate only around 1-10 V/m ( 0.3-0.03 mG) of electric waves.The measurement showed that even during the spikes the magnetic fields intensity was note more than 0.2-0.5 milliGauss (mG) which is even less than a typical in home background (0.5-4 mG), and is considered generally safe for sleeping (less than 1 mG is recommended).
Our mat's different frequencies of EMF blocking drop less than 10 dB, which is far below the safety standards established by the FCC for the USA and CE for Europe (40-60 dB).
Testing Purple Ereada Mat for EMFs
Testing Brown Ereada Mat for EMFs
Testing Gemstone Ereada Mat for EMFs
Safety and absence of harmful electromagnetic fields is confirmed by EMF tests in Korean registered Laboratory.

Our mats are the safest on the market and comparable to Richway Biomats in terms of EMF levels and interception functions. The other mats on the market (mainly made in China) usually lack active EMI systems and grounding features and use much cheaper and less stable heating elements. If you open the plug of competitor mats, you may find they lack the grounding wire inside.
EMF-sensitive users should be aware that some parts of all brands of FIR mats are difficult to shield and emit relatively high levels of EMF. These parts are generally the plugs, wires, connection terminals, and controllers themselves.
The Ereada® Pro/Single/MidSize controllers emit up to 8mG on full power, and the Mini Mat controllers emit up to 3mG.Though these levels are safe, it is better to put the controller some distance from your head when sleeping (the same as you should do with the phone charger, desk lamp, or any other electrical device). Also, it is better to use the Amethyst pillow (or at least the standard one) to avoid the occasional contacts between the head and the connection terminal.
For EMF-sensitive people using large mats for sleeping (Single or Professional size), it would be recommended to sleep with the feet towards the terminal, which is situated near the logo on the top of the mat. It is the best way to avoid higher EMF emissions from the wires and terminals to the head, which is the most sensitive area of the human body. Alternatively, the FIR Mat can be preheated to the max level for an hour so that the crystals accumulate more energy. Then, the controller should be disconnected from the power so there is no EMF.