Manuals, catalogues, certificates, test reports for Ereada® Amethyst Mats

You can download the manuals, catalogs, certificates, test reports, other printable materials, video instructions, and related literature here.

All information, literature, and links below are for informational purposes only, are not errorless, and do not construe any medical advice or claims about Ereada® products*.

Ereada Amethyst Mat Starting Guide and Useful Tips

Electrical Ereada Amethyst Mat Comparison Chart

Layout of Ereada Amethyst Mat

Amethyst Mat infra-red emission test certificate

Ereada Amethyst Mat Catalogue (Korean language)

Amethyst Crystal Jewelry Certification

Gemstones Certificates by Korean gemological institute

Tourmaline Ceramic Balls FIR emission certificates

ISO certification of the mat manufacturer

GMP certification of the mat manufacturer

Mat heating system certification

EMF free mat certification

European CE SGS EMC Certificate

European CE SGS LVD Certificate

Certificate of free sales for Mexico Indonesia Thailand

Australia Eléctrical Safety certificate

Australia SGS certificate

Video of Electric and Magnetic Fields Emission by Mini Mat Controller

Video of Electric and Magnetic Fields Emission by Pro/Compact/Single Mat Controller

Korean certification

Korean mat design patents

Yellow mud mat fabric certification

Mat charcoal fabric certification

Korean Amethyst Effects Leaflet


PubMed is a free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It comprises more than 27 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites. This database is searchable.

A lot of information about the newest technologies can be found on PubMed and in related literature.

Research on Far Infrared Rays by Dr. Aaron M. Flickstein

The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka

The Ion Miracle: The effects of negative ions on physical and mental well-being by Jean-Yves Cöté

4-th Treatment For Medical Refugees or Thermo therapy in 21-st century by Dr Nobuhiro Yoshimizu a famous Japanese oncologist

Note: Ereada® mats are great for general wellness. They awaken restfulness, comfort, and invigoration and can become essential to your healthy lifestyle. Ereada® mats may help supplement your lifestyle, but neither Ereada mats nor literature nor any other information on the website or linked to are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease, illness, or medical condition or to substitute medical treatment of any kind or to affect the structure or any function of the body. Please see the Legal Disclaimer page for more information.

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