Magnetic field is not visible to the naked eye but magnetic waves are still flowing through everything in the Universe as they have wavelengths of millions miles.

Magnetism practices have a long history of using permanent magnets in attempts to achieve  benefits.

It is a holistic method to try to apply magnets everywhere on the body.

Magnetism uses bracelets, rings, necklaces, jewelry, spot magnets, wraps, braces, mattress pads and insoles.

How does Magnetism works?

In the past many practitioners believed that magnets may improve blood flow to the area where the magnet is placed.

This may sound logical because magnets are attracting the iron we have in our blood.

But due to controversy of scientific studies results FDA did not approve any technologies related to use of static or permanent magnets as well as banned any health claims for static magnetism. 

Static or permanent magnets

Among static or permanent magnets Neodymium ones are the world's strongest. Their filed intensity may reach thousands of gauss and now they are mainly used in children toys. 

The stronger the gauss surface strength the larger the magnetic field is. No side effects have been reported from using even so powerful static magnets as having 10.000-15.000 gauss intensity.

Eastern European and Asian alternative practitioners still consider magnetism practices useful. Usually rather strong Neodymium or metal magnets are applied in attempts to get beneficial soothing environment.

During last 50 years Magnetism technology appeared to be more promising and the attention of scientists, traditional and alternative practitioners mainly switched from static magnetism to the pulsed one.

Magnetic fields naturally exist as energy waves coming from the Sun, Earth's Core and Ionosphere. Small electrical currents and magnetic fields also naturally exist as a part of chemical reactions and biological processes.

Magnetic coils emit similar rapid Magnetic Waves nearly identical to these frequencies created by the Sun, Earth and tissues, and complementary to chemistry and functionality. 

Magnetic Wave wavelength of 6 million meters is the same length and intensity as the Sun's and Earth's natural magnetic waves. This is the longest magnetic field in the universe able to spread all around and penetrate deep.

The possible advantage of Static Magnets may be in safety.

It is also believed to eliminate adaptation, making even the long-term use more effective.


The Fifth Element of Health by Bryant A. Meyers 

How Magnetic Fields Help You by Dr Pawluk

You can also read a free abstract of Dr Pawluk's book on Google Books

Dr. Pawluk studied many years Magnetism use in the Eastern Europe where it is a standard practice and he considers that the most important feature is intensity. 

Dr. Pawluk's website is not associated or affiliated with our company and Ereada® products are not even mentioned in his comparative information.

There are a lot of reviews and meta-analysises published on about efficiency of static, permanent and other magnetism.

A lot of studies and researches about magnetic fields can also be found there and in other scientific online journals. 

Some of the books and studies are linked above only for informational purpose. They are dedicated to magnetism as technology, not to specific products. Like all research articles they may contain errors and do not construe any medical advice or claims about Ereada® products*.

What is PubMed?

PubMed or is a free resource that is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

PubMed comprises more than 27 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. 

PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.

Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. This data base is searchable.

*Note: Ereada® mat can become an important part of your daily activity and general wellness regimen and supplement your healthy lifestyle. It may help to create relaxing or reenergizing environment awakening the restfulness, comfort and invigoration powers, energies and inner forces. Ereada® mats are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, heal, mitigate, or prevent any disease, illness, symptom or medical condition, or to substitute medical treatment of any kind or to affect the structure or any function of the body. Any information on or on linked websites or literature, on labeling or in printed materials of Ereada Corp are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, heal, mitigate, or prevent any disease, illness, symptom or medical condition or to substitute medical advice of any kind. Please, seeLegal Disclaimerpage for more information.

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