It is always recommended to consult with your physician before using the Ereada® Heating Mat.
Proper hydration with pure or mineralized water, herbal teas, or juices before, during, and after sessions with the Ereada® Mat is essential.
- Organ Transplants
Organ transplant recipients should not use a Far Infrared Amethyst Mat.
- Pacemakers / Defibrillators, Bypass surgery
Cardiac (heart) pacemaker and defibrillator users or patterns with recent Bypass Surgery should not use the Ereada® Mat.*
- Ailments
Anyone with a disease, ailment, or medical condition should never use the Ereada Amethyst Mat without approval from the physician. It may be extremely dangerous to raise the body temperature to high levels for persons with Adrenal Suppression Disorders, Addison’s Disease, Adrenal Insufficiency, Systematic Lupus Erythematous, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Brain Tumors, Bypass Surgery, Diabetics, Hypertension, and many other conditions.*
- Newborn Babies / Infants / Children
Newborns and infants should not use the FIR Mat with hot crystals. Children may use with caution only with the doctor’s consent and under the supervision of adults on low heat modes or negative ions only.*
- Pregnancy
Pregnant women should not use the Ereada® Mat in heating mode.
- Pain
Pain should not be experienced when using the FIR Mat. If pain occurs or is persistent, discontinue use.*
- Medications / Treatments / Radiation / Chemotherapy
Anybody currently taking medications or undergoing medical treatments, radiation, or chemotherapy should consult the physician before using the Ereada® FIR Mat in heating mode.*
- Hyperthermia / Fever
Anybody experiencing a high fever should not use the Ereada® or Gemstone Mat in heating mode. Only the function of negative ions can be used until the fever stops.*
- Joint Injuries
Anybody with fresh injuries or swollen hot joints should not use the Ereada® Mat in heating modes to avoid inflammation. Only the function of negative ions can be used until full recovery is achieved.*
- Insensitivity to Heat
Anybody with diseases associated with a reduced ability to sweat or insensitivity to heat should use the Ereada® Mat only in no heat negative ions mode.*
- Immobility
Anyone with difficulty moving or changing positions should use the Ereada® Amethyst or Gemstone Mat in the negative ions-only mode.
- Open Wounds
Do not use over open wounds, acute injuries, or after serious trauma.*
- Varicose Veins
Do not use the mat if you have varicose veins, take blood thinners such as Coumadin, muscle relaxers, or any other medicines that can affect your blood.
- Limited Use
Do not use the mat directly on the genitals, on the face, near-thin skin, or on any other sensitive areas.
- Worsened Condition
If symptoms or conditions worsen while using the FIR Gemstone and Amethyst heating pads, the use should be stopped immediately. Some temporary symptoms may occur if you start too fast. It is strongly recommended that the intensity of the mat be decreased or that the patient discontinue the usage and consult the physician.*
Remember that it is your responsibility to seek the attention of a healthcare professional before using this product.